University of Oregon

Visitor Labs

Physical facilities at OIMB consist of 23 buildings on 100 acres of land. Within the research buildings, several research stations are designed specifically for visiting investigators. There are two constant temperature rooms, a molecular biology laboratory, a darkroom, and microscope rooms. A running seawater system, with holding facilities for marine organisms, extends into all research buildings and most teaching laboratories. The laboratory is well equipped with centrifuges, ultracold freezers, spectrophotometers, fluorometers, and general use equipment. Additional specialized laboratory equipment is housed in the research laboratories of the resident faculty, and is available to visitors by special arrangement with specific faculty members, especially where mutual research interests suggest collaborations.

In further support of research, OIMB offers a shop, dock, a fleet of smaller boats suitable for work in Coos Bay and the immediate coastal ocean, storage facilities, and cottages for visiting faculty and guest investigators.

See also Information for visiting researchers

For additional information contact:

(541) 346-7280